Tis the season to do a rewind of the 2012 running season....So I am jumping on the band wagon to do one!
So here is my number recap:
Total Miles run: 689.10 (my Nike watch did a few mishaps so I could probably have more:( )
Total number of runs: 128
Average Distance: 5.3miles
Average pace: 9:45(ugh, not good for me or what I had hoped for)
To be honest 2012 was not my best year for stellar performances, finishes or miles earned on the road but it was a great "let down" year for my body. With that being said, let me explain myself a little bit more in detail.
I started out the year, the same as the previous 2 years with challenge/goal to run 1,000 miles-Dude I killed it in 2010, 2011; 2012 not so much! As you can see above 689. April,May and June big miles with impending Missoula Marathon in July. Then I decided to have a summer to myself, my hubby, my kids and most of all to vacations! I ran when I wanted to, when I felt I wanted to and when my body was ready to run. I didn't run when i didn't want to! And for that my body needed it!
Stellar performances-well I had hoped as in the previous two marathons(NWM 2010, PDX 2011) I had improved my time and shed major minutes from my goals. Ummm Missoula, yeah not so much! lost time on my goal and I finally can be honest with self and admit, it was hot during the race and way hotter than expected and by the end of 26.2 miles it had taken its toll on me!
Some bright spots for 2012:
I PRed and placed in the top 3 of my age group for St Patty's 5K Race in Clarkston, WA with time of 25.54
I ran 3 Half marathons (Seattle Rock and Roll, Girlfriends in Vancouver, Wa and the Lewis-Clark Half in Clarkston, Wa) and 2 (Girlfriends in Vancouver, Wa and the Lewis-Clark Half in Clarkston, Wa) were back-to-back weekends.
The Girlfriends Half I ran with my friend E who ran her first half ever....and then we paced each other to the next weekend's PR of 1:58:55!
Completed my 3rd marathon-Missoula Marathon!
And lots of other local fun runs for holidays and themes!
I ran a lot of miles with running buddies Keep on Keeping On and T and K! Runs are always better with friends and buddies! Sure does make the time and miles fly by! Thank you friends for a great 2012 with lots of great runs!
Heres to 2013 with even more goals and challenges...I use these two words instead of resolutions! I need to make every day a goal and a challenge not just 1.1.13!
2013 Race Calendar with T:
Eugene Half
Rock and Roll Portland Half
Vancouver, USA Marathon(eek! I'm gonna own it!)
See Jane Run Seattle (??)
Other fall local races
Cheers and Thank you for following Quads on the Move!